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Transfers to Digital Cinema and Film

In today’s competitive marketplace, cinema screens have become important, unique outlets where local and regional promotions and advertisements can reach captive audiences like no other medium. Reaching new and existing customers with on-screen trailers has never been easier and our many years of experience and know how can help you achieve your goals.

Filmack’s high quality transfers to both Digital Cinema and Film are available in “flat” and “scope” projection formats so every pre-feature minute can be utilized to reach seated theatre audiences economically.

For best cinema projection, computer generated and edited files must be rendered at 24 frames per second (not 30 fps video) and within a wide screen cinema aperture of 1998 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. Titles and critical visual images such as products and faces should be kept within 10% of this rectangular aperture to avoid the chance of being projected out of the theatre screen safe area. Picture frames should be outputted as consecutive TIFF frames and submitted on a DVD or portable drive. For example, a :30 trailer will have 720 TIFF frames (30x24). Audio files should be submitted as uncompressed 16 or 24 bit Wave files. A Quick Time movie should also be included as a reference to show our technicians the color, density, and sound synch of your trailer.

Questions about these specs can be sent to robbie@filmack.com.

Examples of Cinema Transfers

An animated trailer for the Augusta theatre, designed and created by our client's free-lance artist who submitted edited picture and sound computer files.


One of numerous, national TV commercials transferred for the Army's national and local cinema recruitment campaigns.



One of six :30 PSA videos transferred for a State's Department of Safety with financial assistance from FEMA's National Disaster Relief Agency.


An End frame from a :60 live action cinema ad promoting a popular summer whale watch business off the coast of Massachusetts.